Information for Current Students

Useful Forms

How to request a pre-requisite / co-requisite waiver

When applying to have a class in the Computer Science Department waived please follow the following procedure: CSE Prerequisite/Corequisite procedure. The form you will need to complete for your waiver can be found here: CSE Prerequisite/Corequisite Waiver.

Where to find help for classes:

There are tutors and TAs available for many of the Computer Science classes. Official helpers (and fellow students) can usually be found in the Cramer 213 lab or Cramer 233 lab. The tutoring schedule for the Cramer 233 lab can be found here.

Department Services


For anyone with an account, email can be access either through the web interface at or through a mail client using IMAP ( and SMTP (

Logging in through ssh

You can log in with ssh at <username> if you have been given a CS Department account.

Getting a CS Department Account

All staff, students majoring in computer science, or graduates of the department can get an account. To apply, please email with your full name and student ID number.

CSE Wiki

The wiki for the department can be found at and will help with navigating and utilizing the department.


Cramer 213 Lab

This lab has 14 computers in it, including five with 40″ monitors and Nvidia Cuda cards, eight with dual 17″ screens, and one with a 50″ monitor. All of the computers are running primarily Debian and have Windows available, as well. There is a HD DLP projector hooked up to the front computer, projecting onto one of the wall-sized whiteboards. A printer is available in the back of the lab for student use, which can be accessed through the lab computers or when connected to the CS Department network. There is ample space for group work at any of the six workstations.

Cramer 233 Lab

This lab is the official office space for TAs of the CSE 113 class and tutors can often be found here to help with CSE 101 through 221. It is equipped with six lower-end machines and a large white board. The tutoring schedule can be found here.

If you have comments or questions, please contact