Recent Research Interest

Professor Soliman research expands over many areas. His current primary focus is computer Networks security, Neural Networks and Sensor Networks. He has several publications on Networking Communication Protocols, Mobile networks security, Ad hoc networks, Wireless sensor networks. Currently he is actively involved in computer-servers and cell-phone security, utilizing his novel encryption algorithm (better than the known AES, much faster and securing against insider attcks), developing his 5 security patents. In the area of machine learning, he is working in the fields of Artificial neural networks modeling for classifications, association, and generalization using LVQ, Bp, BAM, Hopfield AM, ART, and KSOFM. Applications of NN modeling are the building of smart Big-Data & cloud computing management, asynchronous event detection sensor networks, and image processing.

Research Labs

Sensor Lab
This research lab is used to develop "smart" and "secure" wireless sensor network to detect asynchronous events such as forest- fire, volcanic eruption, border intrusion, seismic activity, etc., with the help of the neural networks security sibling labs.
Security Lab
The major task of this lab is to secure cyber and cellphone communication. Our novel encryption algorithm and security protocol(to be compared to the known CCMP)which is more advance than even existing government standard e.g. AES, CCMP. Most recent activity is the development of cross Atlantic security communication tested successfully, with our protocol; and the development of secure cellphone Apps and progressing API and plugin. The work is managed and supported by NMT Research Foundation.
Neural Networks (NNs) Lab
The Neural networks lab is used to model diffrent NNs intelligent algorithms (training and operating)to add intelligence (smartness) which is much needed in many vital scientific application such cloud computing management, big data mining, sensor networks applications and any scientific application that requires intelligence. Hence, the lab can be easly used as interdisciplinary reseach for other departments to carry in softcomuting applications. In addition,in this lab he is implementating his image compression patent.

Research Grants and Contracts

An Intelligent Management System for Large Scale Cloud Data Centers




On-Demand, Distributed, In-Memory Computing for Big Data Processing




Volunteer Cloud Federation to Enable Data- and Compute-Intensive Scientific Applications




Equipment for a Computer Networks Laboratory



by National Science Foundation, Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Program
with Dr. George A. Cunningham, III

A Task-Grain Very High Level Language for Data-Driven Multiprocessing system



by Sandia National Laboratories