Srinivas Mukkamala is a senior research scientist with ICASA (Institute for Complex Additive Systems Analysis, a statutory research division of New Mexico Tech performing work on information technology, information assurance, and analysis and protection of critical infrastructures as complex interdependent systems) and Adjunct Faculty of the Computer Science Department of New Mexico Tech. He is a frequent speaker on information assurance in conferences and tutorials. He leads a team of information assurance (IA) “first responders” who are deployed at the request various government agencies and financial institutions around the state of New Mexico to perform vulnerability analysis, information system security audits, network analysis and forensic incident analysis. He has a patent pending on Intelligent Agents for Distributed Intrusion Detection System and Method of Practicing Same.

He is a frequent contributor to information assurance and computational intelligence literature which includes book chapters, journal papers, conference proceedings and magazines. He has over 65 publications in the areas of information assurance, information security practices and applied soft computing techniques. He is a technical manager of the information assurance research group at New Mexico Tech that developed expertise in learning machines for intrusion detection, modeling and feature selection algorithms for intrusion detection, trends in malware analysis and applied information assurance.

He was a plenary speaker in the Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS-02), a U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory workshop (topic: Audit Data Reduction Using Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines ). He is an invited speaker at the “The New Golden Age: Transforming Education through Technology: Coalition of Educators for Native American Children, and the BIA Office of Indian Education ( topic: Essentials of Cyber Defense ). Recently he was invited by National Association of Software Service Companies (NASSCOM) and Information Systems Audit and Control Association ( topic: Information Security Trend Analysis-Attack Perspective). He was the recipient of the Founders Award, the highest award presented to the recipient of an advanced degree who has made an outstanding contribution to Tech through scholarship, research, and involvement in campus affairs; Patrick Orr Memorial Award, given to an outstanding graduate student of New Mexico Techs Computer Science Graduate Student who demonstrates excellence in scholarship and potential for service in computer science education.

Srinivas Mukkamala received his Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Madras in 1999, and worked as an intern at Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) before obtaining his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from New Mexico Tech in 2002 and 2005. He joined ICASA as a researcher in 2005. From 2000-2005, he was a research assistant of ICASA and Computer Science at New Mexico Tech.

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